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编辑:苏高阳 作者: 发布日期:2023/09/07 点击量:



  1. 儿童认知发展:探究不同年龄阶段儿童各类偏见产生的原因以及干预措施;

  2. 身体与心理健康:探究身材焦虑、容貌焦虑产生的原因以及对心理健康的影响;

  3. 亲子关系:探究家庭教养方式、中国家庭观念对儿童条件自尊的影响,以及其如何影响成年后孩子的其他关系的发展。




2023.09-至今 广东外语外贸大学社会与公共管理学院应用心理系讲师

2019.08-2023.07 澳门大学教育学院 教育学 博士

2017.08-2019.06 澳门大学教育学院 教育心理学 硕士

2013.09-2017.07 广东外语外贸大学社会与公共管理学院 应用心理学 学士


1. Wu, H. X., Chen, T. T., Ching, B. H.-H., & Li X.Y. (2023) Weight stigma from romantic partners: its relations with maladaptive and adaptive coping and depressive symptoms. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Advance online publication. [SSCI Q3; Impact factor: 2.1]

2. Wu, H. X.*, Ching, B. H.-H., He, C. C., & Li, Y. (2023). “Thinness is beauty”: Predictors of anti-fat attitudes among young Chinese women. Current Psychology, 42, 6834-6845. [SSCI Q2; Impact factor: 2.8]

3. Wu, H. X., Li Y., Ching, B. H.-H., & Chen, T. T. (2023) You are how you speak: The roles of vocal pitch and semantic cues in shaping social perceptions. Perception, 52(1), 40-55. [SSCI Q4; Impact factor: 1.7]

4. Chang, F., Wu, H. X. *, Ching, B. H.-H., Li, X., & Chen, T. T. (2022). Behaviour problems in deaf/hard of hearing children: Contributions of parental stress and parenting styles. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. Advance online publication. [SSCI Q3; Impact factor: 1.8]

5. Ching, B. H.-H., Wu, H. X., & Li, X. F. (2023). Creative mindsets are malleable: Effects of “born this way” messages and different definitions of creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 48, Article 101308. [SSCI Q1; Impact factor: 3.7]

6. Ching, B. H.-H. & Wu, H. X. (2023). Ideological beliefs and gender essentialism: Relations to individual and normative opposition to same-sex parent families. Psychology and Sexuality, 14(1), 158-174. [SSCI Q3; Impact factor: 2.3]

7. Ching, B. H.-H. & Wu, H. X. (2022). Compliments on skin tone hamper cognitive performance of Chinese adolescent girls with stronger appearance contingent self-worth. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues. Advance online publication. [SSCI Q2; Impact factor: 2.8]

8. Li, Y., Ching, B. H.-H., Wu, H. X., Chen, T. T., & He, C. C. (2022). Beneficial or debilitating: A qualitative inquiry into Chinese preschool teachers’ workload-related stress mindset. Early Years. Advance online publication. [SSCI Q4; Impact factor: 1.1]

9. Ching, B. H.-H., Wu, H. X., & Chen, T. T. (2021). Body weight contingent self-worth predicts depression in adolescent girls: The roles of self-esteem instability and interpersonal sexual objectification. Body Image, 36, 74-83. [SSCI Q1; Impact factor: 5.2]

10. Ching, B. H.-H., Wu, H. X., & Chen, T. T. (2021). Maternal achievement-oriented psychological control: Implications for adolescent academic contingent self-esteem and mathematics anxiety. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 45(3), 193-203. [SSCI Q2; Impact factor: 3.7]

11. Ching, B. H.-H., & Wu, H. X. (2021). Young children's knowledge of fair sharing as an informal basis for understanding division: A latent profile analysis. Learning and Instruction, 73, 101460. [SSCI Q1; Impact factor: 6.2]

12. Ching, B. H-H., Kong, K. H., Wu, H. X., & Chen, T. T. (2020). Examining the reciprocal relations of mathematics anxiety to quantitative reasoning and number knowledge in Chinese children. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 63, 101919. [SSCI Q1; Impact factor: 10.3]

13. Ching, B. H.-H., & Wu, X. (2019). Concreteness fading fosters children's understanding of the inversion concept in addition and subtraction. Learning and Instruction, 61, 148-159. [SSCI Q1; Impact factor: 6.2]

14. Ching, B. H.-H., & Wu, X. (2018). Parental conflicts and materialism in adolescents: Emotional insecurity as a mediator. Journal of Adolescence, 69, 189-202. [SSCI Q1; Impact factor: 3.8]

